Why is my video choppy?
Choppy video may be caused by a slow network connection or sub-optimal device performance. Complete the following steps to troubleshoot choppy video.
Step 1: Self-check
Check the following:
- Check whether the choppy video is intermittent or consistent. Occasional, intermittent choppy video is normal due to the nature of the network and device.
- Check whether the network connection is stable. If it is stable but the video is still choppy, change your network connection and re-check.
- Switch to another device with better performance.
- Turn off all pre-processing options, such as image enhancement, to determine whether it is the cause of the choppy video.
Step 2: Contact Agora customer support
If the issue persists, contact support@agora.io and report the issue with the following information:
- The channel name and the UIDs of the users sending and receiving the video.
- The time frame during which the choppy video playback appears.
- SDK log files. See How can I set the log file?
- Screen recording files.
Step 3: Monitor the quality of experience in Agora Analytics in Console
You can monitor the statistics of every call in Agora Analytics in Console. See Agora Analytics Tutorial.